Tagget med kopenhagen

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hans christian hansen, architect:...

858 views 26. august 2015

link to full size image (4057 x 4558px). gasværksvejens skole / school, vesterbro, copenhagen...

20150120 My Gallery

p.v. jensen-klint 05, grundtvig memorial church...

582 views 26. august 2015

jensen-klint's main work, the grundtvig memorial church northwest of copenhagen, is often named...

20150120 My Gallery

Copenhagen architecture - Arial No.4

250 views 26. august 2015

Copenhagen based photographer Thomas Rousing, captures the beauty of everyday life in the city...


Copenhagen architecture - Arial No.3

608 views 26. august 2015

Copenhagen based photographer Thomas Rousing, captures the beauty of everyday life in the city...

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Copenhagen architecture #45

486 views 26. august 2015

Functional and beautiful design and architecture is what we come to expect for Denmark. and danes...

20150120 My Gallery

Copenhagen images - Architecture #3

163 views 26. august 2015

Danish architecture has evolved from squares and boxes, to spheres and impossible shapes....