Tagget med creative

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hans christian hansen, architect:...

930 views 26. august 2015

link to full size image (4057 x 4558px). gasværksvejens skole / school, vesterbro, copenhagen...


c.f.hansen, apse, copenhagen cathedral, 1811-1829

454 views 26. august 2015

vor frue kirke, copenhagen cathedral, 1811-1829. architect: c.f.hansen, 1756-1845. Thumbnail by...


vandkunsten, architects: torpedohallen, naval...

476 views 26. august 2015

torpedohallen, conversion of naval shipyard building to housing, holmen copenhagen, 1953 /...

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vandkunsten, architects: torpedohallen, naval...

134 views 26. august 2015

torpedohallen, conversion of naval shipyard building to housing, holmen copenhagen, 1953 /...

20150120 My Gallery

p.v. jensen-klint 05, grundtvig memorial church...

641 views 26. august 2015

jensen-klint's main work, the grundtvig memorial church northwest of copenhagen, is often named...

20150120 My Gallery

c.f.hansen, christiansborg palace church,...

505 views 26. august 2015

christiansborg palace church, copenhagen, 1810-1826. architect: c.f. hansen, 1756-1845. this one...


vandkunsten, architects: torpedohallen, naval...

277 views 26. august 2015

torpedohallen, conversion of naval shipyard building to housing, holmen copenhagen, 1953 /...

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kay fisker, mødrehjælpen, copenhagen 1953-1955

435 views 26. august 2015

mødrehjælpen, administration and accommodation, copenhagen, denmark 1953-1955. architect: kay...

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c.f.hansen, copenhagen city hall and courts,...

437 views 26. august 2015

copenhagen city hall and courts, 1803-1816. architect: c.f. hansen, 1756-1845. entrance to the...

20150120 My Gallery

the amazing library of (Denmark #38 Copenhagen,...

773 views 26. august 2015

The whole Christianborg Slot is simply amazing but this library hits the top. Books all around. A...


vandkunsten, architects: torpedohallen, naval...

2.814 views 26. august 2015

torpedohallen, conversion of naval shipyard building to housing, holmen copenhagen, 1953 /...

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vandkunsten, architects: torpedohallen, naval...

899 views 26. august 2015

torpedohalltorpedohallen, conversion of naval shipyard building to housing, holmen copenhagen,...