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kay fisker, mødrehjælpen, copenhagen 1953-1955
mødrehjælpen, administration and accommodation, copenhagen, denmark 1953-1955.
architect: kay fisker, 1893-1965.
architect: kay fisker, 1893-1965.
for hagen and boris. view from the west. stitch of two. autumn.
a late fisker work down the street from where I live and a fine example of modernism inserted into a pre-modern context. fisker always drew solitary old trees in his pencil renderings. I think this shows what he had in mind.
this photo was uploaded with a CC license and may be used free of charge and in any way you see fit.
if possible, please name photographer "SEIER+SEIER". if not, don't.
Thumbnail by seier+seier
29. april 2024 12:37 Slett
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